Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to get rid of jilted lovers, the Exs??

I was suggesting lots of ideas to my buddy who’s ex a guy has been troubling her , so i thought why not as a post on this blog.. Inspiration for some lesson for others….

So here it goes...

1. When ever you pass by him make him feel that your the happiest and u don’t need him and making sure he made notice of the fact repeatedly.

2. And hang out more within his circle - whom are your friends also mostly now.. choke him as much as u can.. bottom line..

3. Send him a cake with love u and miss u on top and add lots of Jamal Gota (Indian herb for constipated horses)..He would never be out of home leave alone trouble you.

4. Call up his mom/dad/sis/bro/grandparents and say.. he’s been troubling u, at two in the night!!! Repeatedly !!!

5. Send after him a pesky friend who’s desperate for any guy, and tell her he has a real hidden crush for her!!!

6. Better is tell all of your gay friends you broke off because he has secret gay feelings and needs to come out.. help him…!!

7. You put up his number online for the best deal on sex enhancement drugs, he would be busy fixing deals let alone bother you.

8. Fix up real encouraging caller tunes.. and take time to pick his phone up…

9. Sign him up for the distressed suicide help lines and tell them he needs counseling on regular basis.

10. Throw boiled eggs at him, and the fact the eggs don’t explode would make him feel shamed, that even he doesn’t deserve to be insulted properly.

So any case, how it may turn out to be, I don’t take any responsibility or guaranty that these may or may not work.. and give special warning to those.. who are in the pursuit of troubling their exes without any reason.. Guys.. Get a life.. Now!!!


here i 'm said...

lolz.... very useful post... ;)
looking forward to some more 'ideas'... :P

ruSh.Me said...

he he...pretty useful!!!

Anonymous said...

i loved it...........LOL.......well some of these could really be helpful